may 8

Today in class we took more notes on Christianity and we finished the powerpoint 

Conversion of Constantine (AD 312)
- Roman emperor Constantine has a vision before the Battle at Milvian Bridge
- Sees an image in the sky of a cross and the words 'Ev Toútw Níka ("In this sign, conquer")
- Orders troops to put a cross on shields
- then they win!

Edict of Milan in AD 313:
- christianity becomes a religion which is recognized/approved by the emperor
- it continues to gain strength
- by 380, it becomes the empire's official religion
- Chi- Rho (first two letters of "Christ" in Greek)

Decline of the Roman Empire:
while christianity strengthens, Rome weakens
- military: too weak to defend huge area
- economy: taxes too high; widening gap between rich and poor; trade disrupted
- social: who cares about public affairs?; disloyalty; population decreases
- political: division of the empire (Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium)
- the last Roman emperor was in 476 (a 14-year-old boy named Romulus Augustulus)
