may 4

Today in class we took more notes on our new topic Christianity

- Both jews and christians were monotheistic
- They refused to worship Roman gods
- early in the pax romana, it was easy to travel and to spread ideas ( Paul wasn't the only one who did so)
- ppor, desperate Romans were a receptive
- But Jews and Christians were sometimes persecuted by Roman authorities, since monotheism contradicted Roman Law
- They could be exiled, imprisoned, executed, crucified, burned, or killed by wild animals
- This would happen as things began to go wrong for the Roman Empire, and scape goats were " needed" 
      scapegoats - Aaron confessed Israelites' sins over a goat then sent the goat to carry the sins away symbolically

Christanity grew bc it

- Embraced all people
    - men and women
    - enslaved people
    - poor ( and nobles )
    - gave hope to the powerless
    - appealed to those who were disgusted by imperial Rome decadence
    - offered a personal relationship with God
    - promised eternal life after death
