may 22

Today in class we took notes on the Crusades

Background information
-It's the Age of Faith
-The Holy Roman Empire is the strongest kingdom in Europe
-The Church has considerable spiritual and political power
-Over 500 massive Gothic cathedrals (Cities of God) are built throughout Europe between 1170 and 1270

-In the late eleventh century, Jerusalem was controlled by the Muslims
-It was Islam's 3rd holiest City (after Mecca & Medina)
-It's the Holy City to Jews and ... it's a Holy City to Christians

The Holy war
-Pope Urban II put out the call for Christians to recapture Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim Turks
-Thus began 200 years of religiously sanctioned military campaigns, from 1095 to 1291
-crusade means "taking of the cross" (crux)

Crusades (almost) Entirely Supported Throughout Holy Roman Empire
-These "soldiers of the Church" took vows to take back the Holy Land
-The Pope promised those who died in the endeavor would receive immediate remission   for their sins
-Roger Bacon warned: "(Muslims) who survive, together with their children, are more and more embittered against the Christian faith.
