may 21

Today in class we took more notes.

Clovis rules the France
- Clovis rules the Germanic people of Gaul, known as the Franks ( where France comes from)
- In 496 he has a battlefield conversion- he and 3000 of his warriors become christians
- The church in Rome like this
- By 511 the Franks are united into one kingdom, with Clovis and the church are partners spread of Christianity
- Church + Franks = rise of Christanity
- In 520, Benedict write rules for monks:
    - vows of poverty ( live simply)
    - chastity ( no marital relations)
    - obedience ( listen to church superiors)
- His sister scholastic writes similar rules for nuns
- They operate schools maintain libraries, and copy books

Pope Gregory 1 and Papal Power Play
- Pope Gregory 1 ( Gregory the great) goes secular ( wordly power)
- Church revenues are used to help the poor, build roads , and raise armies.
- This is theocracy
- Gregory spiritual kingdom ( Christendom) extends from Italy, to England, from Spain to Germany

Who's running Europe?
- Clovis rules the Franks in Gaul until his death in 511
- Most of the rest of Europe consist of smaller kingdoms ( seven in England alone)
- Clovis' descendants include Charles Martel, known as Charles the Hammer
- Hammer defeats a Muslim raiding party from Spain at the Battle of Tours in 732 

(If he hadn't won, western Europe could have become part of the Muslim Empire)

How do you follow the Hammer?
-Charles Martel's son is Pepin the Short
-He works with the Church and is named "king by the grace of God” by the Pope

-Pepin the Short dies in 768, leaving two son

-Son #1 Carolman dies in 771
-Son #2 is Charles, known as Charlemagne, meaning Charles the Great
-Six feet four inches

Where did Charlemagne come from?
Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) - grandfather
-lived 688 - 741
-won the crucial Battle of Tours (732), halting Islamic expansion in western Europe
Charles Martel's sons:
 -Carloman (706 - 754)
-retired to become a monk in 747
 -Pepin the Short (714 - 768)
-continued to hold the Muslims off
-father of Charlemagne (and Carloman)

What makes Charles so " great "
He expanded the Frankish kingdom into an Empire
-He fought the Muslims in Spain (to the west
-He conquered Italy (to the south)
-He fought Huns and Magyars (to the east)
-Pope Leo III appreciated his efforts to spread Christianity, and crowned him Imperator Augustus (Emperor) on Christmas Day, 800
Charlemagne Legacy
Renewed emphasis on education and culture
-Literature, mathematics, art, architecture
-Book copying and preserving
-Opened a palace school
-Surrounded himself with English, German, Italian and Spanish scholars
- He regularly visited every part of his kingdom - hands-on ruling style
-United most of western Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire

After Charlemagne's death in 814

-Charlemagne died at age 72, 47 years into his reign
-He named his son Louis the Pious co-emperor before he died
-Louis... not quite the leader his father was; ruled from 814 - 840
-After L the P died, his three sons fought for control
-They divided up the empire at the Treaty of Verdun
-Lothair I got the Middle Kingdom (northern Italy, other territories to the north)
-Charles the Bald got the Western Kingdom (France
-Louis the German got the Eastern Kingdom (Germany)
