april 23

Today in class we took more notes on Rome.

Caesar seizing power

- serves as a consul (1 yr) 
- appoints himself governor of Gaul 
- Pompey is jealous, becomes his rival
    - Caesar's armies clash/w Pompey in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt (Caesar winning)
- In 44BC he is named dictator- for 6 months then for life

Caesar's reforms 
- granted citizenship to people in provinces
- expanded the senate, adding his friends
- created jobs for the poor, especially through public works projects
- increased pay for solidiers 
- started colonies where those without land could own property


- why! the senators saw Caesar's rise in power as a huge threat to their political viability. 
- how? they lured him into the senate, stabbing him 23 times, making sure all were involved ( they put their hands in his blood) 
- who? even Brutus , Caesar's ally ( " et tu Brute?") 
- senators were not punished 
- Octavian was named Julius Caesar's sole heir 
- basically ended republic 

Aftermath of the murder

- Julius Caesar's grand nephew-and adopted son 
- Octavian takes over at the age of 18 with his own triumvirate
   - Mark Antony is an experienced general
   - Lepidus is a powerful politician 

A doomed alliance

- Octavian forces the weak Lepidus to retire 
- He and Mark Antony becomes rivals 
- Mark Antony partners up with Cleopatra of Egypt 
   - Personality 
   - Politically
   - Economically 
- Octavian defeats them at the Battle of Actium 

Octavian on his own

- he was now the unchallenged ruler of Rome 

- he was given the honorific " Augustus" which means exalted one
- he was also given the title "imperator" which means supreme military commander 
- we get the word emperor from imperator
- now Rome is now an empire, not a republic 

Octavian aint on Tarquin 

- 40 yrs of ruling as an emperor ( 27 BC- AD 14)
- he began a stable era of peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana which means Roman Peace
- Pax Romana was 207 yrs long ( 27 BC- AD 180)
