april 20

Today in class we took more notes on Rome.

- how do you keep the plebs happy ( or at least keep them from revolting) 
- the poet Juvenal said Rome " anxiously hopes for two things: bread and circuses" 
- bread ( free grain from the state) and entertainment ( circus Maximus, Colosseum) partly to keep them alive, and partly to keep them quiet, distracted, docile. 
- Tiberius Gracchus recognized the advantages of courting the plebs (even though he was ultimately unsuccessful)
- military generals worked that angle-lead an army that conquers a land, then give them a share in the spoils.
- soiliders loyalty was to their military leader, not necessarily to Rome or the Republic

- Julius Cesar ( 100-44 BCE) 
- highly successful general
- he conquered the huge territory of Gaul
- made common folks happy 
- made friend in high places 
    - Pompey ( a general who conquered Syria and Palestine) 
    - Crassus ( the richest man in Rome, one of the richest man in all history) 
- these 3 men formed the first Triumvirate ( rule of the three men) 
- " crossing the rubicon" crossing the point of no return 
