april 17

Today in class we took more notes on Rome.

-res publica " the peoples affairs"
- brand new republic
- democracy ( the people's assembly and the tribunes)
- aristocracy ( the senate approx 300 members)
- plus monarchy ( the consuls)
- not a tyranny ( a mistake they didn't repeat)
- originally the US modeled their new government on the model used by Ancient Romans
-  its no the same but they both have 3 stages of government
    - executive
    - legislative
    - judicial

Executive Rome
- 2 consuls
- 1 yr term
- each have veto power
- could appoint a dictator in a crisis for a 6 month term

Executive US
- president ( plus VP)
- 4 yr term
- can veto proposed laws
- commander in chief in the military

Legislative Rome
- senate 300 people aristocrats members for life
- assembles ( either centuriate or tribal) 193 members also members for life

Legislative US
-senators 100 senators ( 2 from each state) 6 yr teerm
-house of representatives 435 members ( 55 from cali, MD has 8 ; AK, DE, MT, ND, SD, WY have 1 2 yr term)

Judicial Rome
-chosen by the centuriaqte assembly ( regular folks) 1 yr term

Judicial US
-supreme court
-9 members
-lifetime terms
-appointed by the president,  confirmed by the senate

Twelve Tables Rome
- publicly displayed
- gave tights to the plesbs, not just aristocrats
- only protected free born male citizens ( not women)

Bill of Rights US
- first 10 amendments to the constitution
1. free speech/press/religion
2. bear arms
3. no quartering
4. no search or seizure
5.no self incrimination
6. right to fair trial
7. jury trials
8. no cruel or unusual punishment
9. right to privacy, rights are assumed
10. states have power, were fed doesn't
