march 27

Today in class we had another review day for the test that is coming up tomorrow about the whole chapter on Ancient Greece. I went up to the board today because I wrote the notes for the class. The notes were on Hellenistic and Sculpture.

Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria

- Hellenistic culture blended of Greek. Egyptian, Persian, and Indian
- Trade Culturally diverse
      - Alexandria became a foremost center of commerce and culture/civilization
Alexandria Attractions
- Alexander coffin
- Pharos ( lighthouse)
- Library which had 500,000 papyrus scrolls

Science and Technology

 Aristarchus- found out that the sun is at least 300x bigger than the Earth, Earth and other planets revolved around the sun
Ptolemy- disagrees with Aristarchus says that Earth is center of universe, this is taught for the next 14 years.
Eratosthenes- estimated the real size of Earth, says it's round

Mathematicas and Physics

Euclid- wrote the book on Geometry ( elements)
Archimedes- estimated values of pi, explained law of lever
       - The Archimedes Screw - could raised water from ground
