march 2

Today in class we took more notes on our new assignment in the textbook on page 142-145.

- Macedonia is located north of Greece it had a rough terrain and a cold climate
- Macedonians were hardy people that lived in villages
- 359 B.C. Philip 11 became king of Macedonia, he organized his troops into phalanxes of 16 men across and 16 men deep, each on with a 18 ft pike, he also used fat moving calvary to crush his disorganized opponents.
- Demosthenes, the Athenian orator
- The Macedonians defeated the Greeks at the battle of Chaerona
-  336 B.C. at his daughters wedding, he got stabbed to death by a former guardsmen
- Philip's son immediately proclaimed himself
- Cause of his accomplishments over the next 13 years, he was became to be known as Alexander The Great
- Alexander was only 20 years old when he became king
- Under Aristotle teachings Alexander learned science, geography, and literature
- He kept a copy of the Illad under his pillow
- When the people of Thebes rebelled, he destroyed the city, about 6,000 Thebans were killed
- Invasion with Persia with Greece now secure, Alexander felt free to carry out his father's plan to invade and conquer Persia
- In 334 B.C. he led 35,000 soilders across the Hellespont into Anatolia
- Darius 111 raised a huge army to face the Macedonians near Issus.
- 332 B.C. the Egyptians welcomed Alexander as a liberator
