february 8

Today in class we took notes out of the textbook

- the sons of wealthy families got formal education
- school started at the age of 7
- studied reading, grammar, poetry, history, mathematics, and music
- when the boys got older they went to military schools
- women learned child-rearing, weaving cloth, preparing meals, managing the household, and other skills that let them be good wives
- some women were able to take their education further by learning how to read and write. and a few became accomplished writers
- located in the southern part of Greece known as the Peloponnesus, Sparta was nearly cut off from the rest of Greece by the gulf of Corinth
- Around 725 B. C. Sparta conquered the region of Messenia and took over the land.
- Messians became healots, peasants forced to stay on land
-  Each year Spartans demanded half of the healots crops
- 650 B.C. Spartans were out numbered 8:1
- Spartans government had many branches
- assembly were all spartans citizens
- Council of Elders was made up of 30 older citizens
- from 600-371 B.C. Sparta was the most powerful in Greece
- 7-30 years old lived in the army barracks
- slept without blankets on hard benches.
- diet was little more than a bowl of coarse of black porridge
-the rich could only afford weapons
- Persian War between Greece and Persian Empire began Ionia on the coast of Anstolia
- 546 B.C. Persian conquered area
