february 6

Today in class we took more notes....

direct democracy
- where a state is ruled by its citizens
- ruled based on citizenship
- majority rule decides vote
- in the agora, citizens argued, made speeches, then voted with white stones would be a yes and a black stone would be a no
- it was first practiced in Athens under Cleisthenes around 500 BCE

gods and goddesses 

-What is unique about the Greeks’ relationship with their gods is the interaction with humans
-Poseidon (god of the sea) interfered with Odysseus trying to return home
-Aphrodite (goddess of love) had lovers of both gods and men
-Dionysus (god of wine) was son of Zeus (a god) and of Semele (a human princess)

-Goddess of wisdom, skill,  warfare (and peace), intelligence, battle strategy, and handicrafts.
-She was born from Zeus' head fully formed and armored.
-A special patron of heroes - such as Odysseus.

-She was the patron of Athens (the city was named after her).

- god of music, arts, knowledge, healing
-Zeus was his father, Artemis was his twin sister
-he’s associated with the sun, his sister with the moon
- god of the sea, rivers, floods, earthquakes
-brother of Zeus, king of the sea and waters
- goddess of love, beauty, desire, sexuality
-her lovers included Ares (god of war), Adonis (demi-god of desire), and Anchises (a mortal who fathered a baby)
- goddess of grain, harvest, agriculture
-Zeus’s sister

naval work
-Athens had a great infantry, too, but nothing could compare with their navy
their most effective weapon was the trireme
- a technological marvel
-fastest ship in the world at the time
-rowed by up to 170 men on three levels
-could be used as a battering ram
-agile, fast
