february 20

Today in class we took more notes because we had some class mates take the test cause  they were absent. The notes were finishing up the assignment on page 134-141

- Their plan was ti destroy the city-state of Syracuse, which was one of the Sparta's wealthiest allies
- 404 B.C The Athenians and their allies surrounded. Athens lost its empire, power, and wealth
- Philosophers " lovers of wisdom"
- Greek thinkers based their philosophy on the following two assumptions:
           - The universe ( land, sky, and sea) is put together in an orderly way, and subjects to absolute and unchanging laws
          - People can understand these laws through logic and reason
- Sophists questioned people's unexamined beliefs and ideas about justice and other traditional values
      - Protagoras questioned existence of the traditional Greek gods
      - Also argued there was no universal standard of truth saying " man is the measure of all living things"
- Socrates believed that absolute standard did exist for truth and justice
      - also stated " unexamined life is not worth living"

there were notes but from human geography I already knew them because we talked about the Socrates a lot. Also we are getting our test back today and I am very happy with my grade I got a 93% and it brought up my grade a little bit, but we are getting 5 points today for having our notebook which I had!!!
