january 20

Today in class we took a lot of notes. We had an assignment in the textbook to read a couple of the pages and take notes on the main points, also we had a powerpoint that Mr.Schick showed us about Ancient Greek

- Greece was not a united country, it was collected by separate lands where greek- speaking lived

- By 3000 BC the Minoans lived on the Greek island of Crete. The Minoans created an elegant civilization that had great power in the Mediterranean World.

- Ancient Greece consisted mainly of mountainous peninsula jutting into the Mediterranean Sea. included 2000 islands in the Aegean/Ionian Seas.

- The Aegean, Ionian, and the Black Sea were the transportation for the Greece people.

- Sea travel and trade were important because Greece lacked natural resources, such as timber, precious metals, and usuble farmland.

- Rugged mountains covered 3/4 of Greece the mountain chains ran mainly from northwest to southeast the Balkan Pennisula. Mountains divided the land into 4 different regions that influenced the political life, instead of a single government, the developed small independent communities.

- varied climate, temp averaging 48 in winter/80 in summer

- large waves of indo-europeans migrated from the Eurasian steeps, Europe, India, Swasia, some that settled on Greek mainland in 2000 BC were know as the Mycenaeans

- The trojan war was during the 1200 BC
      Mycenaeans vs Troy for 10 years
      Troy was a independent trading city in Anatolia

- Not long after the Trojan War Mycenaean civilization collapsed in 1200 BC

The Powerpoints

- civilizations are usually always on body’s of water ( mostly rivers)
      great civilizations:key rivers
       - Mesopotamia/ Tigris and Euphrate river
       -  Egypt/Nile river
       -  India/Indus river
       -  China/Huang Hu river

Mediterranean means middle of the world


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