january 23

Today in class we took even more notes on the famous Ancient Greek. So far, I learned...


- Although fertile valleys cover one quarter of the peninsula, only 20% is ARABLE which means suitable for farming
- Greeks were really healthy their diet consist of grains, grapes, olives, and fish
- lack of resources most likely led to Greek colonization, Greeks were super competitive and made the olympics
- Their influenced began on 2000 BCE
- Mycenaean is located on a rocky ridge on Peloponnesus, protected by a 20 ft thick wall
- Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1100 BCE
        - Controlled trade in region
- 1400 BCE mycenaeans invaded crete and absorbed
- Minoan culture writing system, language, art, politics, literature, and religion

Trojan War

- many years fought
- fought 12 or 13 century
- part of Greek mythology until 19 century most historians thought it was fictional because gods and goddesses get involved
- the goddesses Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera were given the " apple of discord"

The last thing we learned about was the ultimate storyteller

Homer the bard

- He composed stories of the Trojan War 750-700 BCE
- Greek oral tradition is stories passed by words
- Lived in " greek dark ages "
- The illad story is about the Trojan War
- The Odyssey story is about Odysseus attempts to return home about many adventures from the Trojan War
