january 31

Today in class we took more notes on Ancient Greek and who/how the government was developed.
What we learned was....

- Cleisthenes - definitely a member of the elite very rich
- insulated from the “hoi polloi” but he was a crafty politician
saw the value of tapping into the talents, intelligence, and energies of the non-aristocrats (the middle class citizens)
- he didn’t realize the value of women
- What Cleisthenes did was a huge step forward getting “regular folks” involved in governing.
- Citizens could participate - but only one-fifth of Athenians were citizens (free adult male property owners born in Athens)
- after several years, Athens practiced a direct democracy

We also was given a pop quiz today. which actually made some of cry, it wasn't at bad as iI thought. We went over the answers after we handed in the quiz like normally.
