january 29

Today in class we continued looking over the powerpoint and taking our notes on the politics in Greecw. What we leaned today was...

-Draco ruled in 621 BCE
- He was called the “draconian". 
- All of the athenians (rich or poor) became equal under the law, but death was the punishment for many crimes. 
- Also Dracw thought debt slavery was okay. Under Solon, he outlawed debt slavery, made citizens able to speak at the assembly, and made it so that citizens can press charges against wrongdoers.

-Cleisthenes which made the government look even more like a democracy (but not there yet
 - Cleisthenes ruled, a harsh aristocrat named Hippias ruled, but was later ostracized. 
- Once Hippias was gone, Cleisthenes and Isagoras engaged in a power struggle. 
-  Isagoras won, but the athenian citizens didn't want him to rule (he was a tyrant), so they trapped him on the acropolis and banished him. 
- He was banished for 2 days the 3rd days he escaped. 

- Thus, in 508 BCE,
- the athenian citizens became the first people in history to overthrow their leader. 
