may 25

Today in class we took notes on our last section we are doing this year.

Italy birthplace of the Renaissance
- Renaissance means rebirth
-City states were the center action
-Malian and Florence had wealthy merchants and bankers
-Inspire by the former splendor of Rome and Greece
-Merchants dominated politics
-Medici were a powerful banking family 
-Paid artists, writers, and musicians to create beautiful works of art

Isabella D' Este
- Was wealthy and educational 
-She sponsored painters sculptors, musicians, writers, architects
-patron of da Vino Raphael, Michaelango, Bellini, Correggio

-Deep interest in what people have already achieved as well as what they were capable of achieving in the future
-Not coincidence that humanism: resembles the Greek idea of Arte writing were important worldly secular values were essential
-Ultimate renaissance man: Leonardo da Vinci
-Women: Isabella d' Este
