may 18

Today in class we started a new powerpoint and took notes. We also had another chance to up our grade with the textbook assignment questions on pg 373

Main Idea: Many Germanic kingdoms that succeeded the Roman Empire were reunited under Charlemagne empire
Why it matters now: Charlemagne spread christian civilization throughout northern Europe, where some of us came from

Setting the stage
- Middle Ages = medieval period
- AD 476-AD 1453
- ( From the end of the Roman Empire to the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks)
- Medieval Europe is fragmented

This is new society
   The new society has roots in:
- Classical heritage of Rome
- Beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church
- Customs of various Germanic tribes

5th century Germanic invaders
  Overrun the western half of the Roman empire causing:
- Disruption of trade
- Downfall of cities
- Population shifts to rural areas

Effects of invasion
   Decline of learning
- Tribes had oral tradition. songs, but couldn't read Greek or Latin
- Romance languages evolve French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
- Few ( besides priest) were literate

- Germanic kingdoms emerge AD 400-600
- Germanic warriors' loyalty is to the lord of the manor
      - He provides them with food , weapons, treasure
- No orderly government for large areas
- Small communities rule
