febuary 26

Today in class we went got our tests back and we went over the answers together as a class. Lastly, we watched a video on Hank Green which is the famous author John Green brother. Going over the test I got a total of 3 wrong which ended me up with a 93%. After we were done going through the answers we started watching the video on Hank green and learning about Philosophy. The video went over some questions. Why do you do what you do? Why do you think what you think? Why do you feel what you feel? Also we learned that Mythos is story telling and Philos is science. Philosophy is academic study of anything. Another word we learned was Philosophia means love of wisdom.We had more questions at the end of the video What was the world like?  What's the Nature of Reality? Also  Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies the reality, and Epistemology studies the nature and scope of knowledge. 
